Barbers Hill FFA
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Agriculture Science/FFA at Barbers Hill High School

Agricultural Education prepares students for successful careers and a lifetime of informed choices in the global agriculture, food, fiber and natural resources systems.

TEA recognizes the high school agriculture science program as a part of a 3-ring intra-curricular program for students. Instruction, Supervised Agriculture Experiences and the FFA are all intra-curricular parts of the 3 part model used in Agriculture Science Programs.

Agriculture Science Class at BH ISD include: Dual credit horticulture, DC wildlife, Dual credit Animal Science,  Ag Mechanics, Ag Power (tractor mechanics), Meats Lab Processing, Wildlife Management, Animal Science and much more. 

  All students
are required to maintain an SAE (SAE Handbook) and record information in their AET record keeping journal  
The Ag Experience Tracker (AET)
See "Documents" section below for Record Book Rubric


Record Book/Journal Final Exam Rubric Admin 8/28/2012 38 KB



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