Barbers Hill FFA
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Supervised Agriculture Experience (SAE)
An SAE program is the actual, hands-on application of concepts and principles learned in the agricultural education classroom. Students are supervised by agricultural education teachers in cooperation with parents, employers and other adults who assist them in the development and achievement of their educational and career goals.
FFA provides support materials to local teachers who implement effective SAE programs, along with motivational activities and award incentives available through funds raised by the National FFA Foundation.

To learn more about SAEs, visit Explore SAE
Students log in with your AET (Agriculture Experience Tracker information) or Parents/Guests can log in as a Guest

  Get Involved!   SAE-Related Links
  The BARBERS HILL FFA chapter participates as a show team at the following school sanctioned livestock shows throughout the year:
  • Texas Rice Festival (October) - Breeding beef, prospect steers, lambs, goats, livestock judging, welding & Ag mechanics
  • Trinity Valley Exposition (October) - Breeding beef, Market: steers, lambs, goats, livestock judging, welding, Ag mechanics
  • Barbers Hill FFA Open Poultry Show (January)
  • San Antonio Livestock Show, Feb - Breeding beef, Market: steers, lambs, goats, livestock judging, public speaking, ag science fair, poulty, Ag mechanics
  • Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo (Feb-Mar) - Breeding beef, Breeding goats, Open poultry, Market: steers, lambs, goats, livestock judging, public speaking, ag science fair, Ag mechanics
  • South Texas State Fair (March) - Breeding beef, Market: steers, lambs, goats, livestock judging, welding, Ag mechanics
  • Chambers County Youth Project Show (May) - Market steers, commercial and county, Market lambs, Market goats, Market rabbits, Market broilers, Market Turkeys, Agriculture Mechanics, Tractor Restoration, Calf and small animal scramble, Youth Auction
      Online Recordbook    
    Project Handbooks
Breeding Poultry Project
For Rabbits See Below

In order to be considered for the BH FFA Show Team, one must exhibit in or be entered in at least 5 of the above BH FFA Chapter sanctioned shows in one year.

To be awarded a BH FFA letter jacket, please refer to the FFA Handbook for rules.

There are many shows throughout the year that an exhibitor may exhibit their livestock projects individually. The Showbox and your breed associations put out publications for upcoming shows you may choose to attend individually. You can also keep up with upcoming prospect shows by going to Mr. Otto's Texas Prospect Shows on Facebook too!


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